Designed for investors.

Experienced managers, actively managed underlying Funds, and built-in automatic rebalancing are synchronized to create a powerful combination that aims to keep your portfolio on track.

Portfolios designed to meet the needs of any investor.

Graphic illustrating the risk/return relationship and target asset mix of the DynamicEdge Defensive Portfolio, DynamicEdge Conservative Portfolio and DynamicEdge Balanced Portfolio, DynamicEdge Balanced Growth Portfolio, DynamicEdge Growth Portfolio and DynamicEdge Equity Portfolio. The portfolios cover a spectrum from lower risk/lower growth potential, a portfolio with a higher relative allocation to fixed income and lower relative allocation to equities, to higher risk/higher growth potential, a portfolio with a lower relative allocation to fixed income and higher relative allocation to equities.

The Alternatives asset class includes both equity and fixed income strategies to meet the strategic asset allocation as indicated.

Simple on the outside, smart on the inside.

Actively-managed underlying Funds

DynamicEdge Portfolios can provide superior risk-adjusted returns through an active management approach that’s defined by independent thinking and strong conviction.

Experienced Portfolio Management

Each underlying holding is a reflection of our Portfolio Managers’ unique styles, backed by conviction, research, and years of experience.

Rigorous monitoring keeps the portfolios on track

The DynamicEdge Portfolios are designed to maintain a consistent investment strategy over time. Thanks to ongoing monitoring, we keep the underlying fund allocations within targets ranges.