



Fund Type
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This table presents price and performance related information for all Dynamic Funds investment products. And quick access to detailed product information and regulatory documents.
Daily Price $
Performance %
Annual Return %
Series NAV chg $ chg % 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs Incep Date 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo YTD 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Liquid Alternative 7
Dynamic Alpha Performance II Fund Total funds $121.28 MM
A Currency 10.3894 0.0057 0.05 6.93 4.69 1.39 - 0.99 10/09/18 -3.45 0.41 7.15 -0.19 20.03 10.86 -16.93 0.10 0.26
F Currency 10.9867 0.0064 0.06 7.14 5.30 2.18 - 1.87 10/09/18 -3.34 0.67 6.70 -0.01 19.52 12.08 -16.05 1.19 1.45
Dynamic Credit Absolute Return Fund Total funds $2.20 B
A Currency 8.8909 0.0034 0.04 3.88 3.87 3.88 3.63 3.81 11/20/23 0.07 0.69 2.07 0.06 5.03 - 0.86 3.06 5.59
F Currency 8.8480 0.0036 0.04 4.78 4.78 4.82 4.67 4.85 11/20/23 0.16 0.82 2.39 0.24 5.94 - 1.79 3.91 6.75
Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund Total funds $46.67 MM
A Currency 10.3740 -0.0112 -0.11 6.73 - - - 8.01 09/25/23 0.88 2.67 2.50 1.93 7.65 - - - -
F Currency 10.3917 -0.0109 -0.10 7.51 - - - 8.93 09/25/23 0.96 2.88 2.90 2.11 8.46 - - - -
Dynamic Global Growth Opportunities Fund Total funds $243.50 MM
A Currency 12.2851 -0.0478 -0.39 27.67 -2.56 7.42 - 10.09 03/09/15 -7.45 1.05 25.86 2.24 36.87 -3.52 -41.35 21.85 52.45
A CurrencyUS 8.6033 -0.0118 -0.14 - - - - - 06/21/24 - - - - - - - - -
F Currency 13.2643 -0.0512 -0.38 28.56 -1.65 8.38 - 10.93 03/09/15 -7.38 0.96 26.07 2.41 37.81 -2.54 -40.71 22.79 53.82
F CurrencyUS 9.2891 -0.0124 -0.13 - - - - - 06/21/24 - - - - - - - - -
Dynamic Premium Yield PLUS Fund Total funds $7.17 B
A Currency 10.1357 -0.0387 -0.38 6.41 11.32 13.14 - 9.92 10/09/18 -2.97 -0.34 4.81 -0.66 10.76 26.14 -0.93 20.49 6.11
F Currency 10.0970 -0.0382 -0.38 7.61 12.58 14.42 - 11.19 10/09/18 -2.88 -0.06 5.39 -0.48 12.02 27.56 0.19 21.85 7.29
Dynamic Real Estate & Infrastructure Income II Fund Total funds $500.02 MM
A Currency 8.6361 -0.0307 -0.35 16.00 0.65 2.20 - 3.03 04/01/19 1.91 -2.87 1.86 2.74 13.00 -1.13 -15.05 21.31 -7.78
F Currency 8.5603 -0.0301 -0.35 17.31 1.79 3.35 - 4.19 04/01/19 2.00 -2.60 2.43 2.93 14.28 -0.02 -14.10 22.66 -6.77
Dynamic Short Term Credit PLUS Fund Total funds $706.64 MM
A Currency 10.4577 0.0007 0.01 10.96 7.31 - - 7.08 01/27/22 0.28 1.73 5.64 1.06 11.65 10.23 - - -
F Currency 10.4966 0.0008 0.01 11.60 7.93 - - 7.70 01/27/22 0.33 1.87 5.95 1.16 12.29 10.86 - - -
Specialty 15
Dynamic Alternative Yield Class Total funds $251.61 MM
A Currency 16.7560 -0.0004 0.00 13.16 4.90 6.08 5.18 6.66 09/18/12 0.16 1.74 8.14 2.46 15.65 5.61 -12.29 31.74 -8.99
F Currency 19.2242 0.0001 0.00 14.30 6.03 7.23 6.34 7.83 09/18/12 0.24 1.92 8.64 2.60 16.86 6.77 -11.31 33.19 -7.95
Dynamic Alternative Yield Fund Total funds $1.73 B
A Currency 9.2679 -0.0003 0.00 13.74 5.13 6.24 5.27 7.10 09/30/11 0.18 2.17 8.64 2.61 16.09 5.67 -12.22 31.86 -8.98
F Currency 9.3613 0.0000 0.00 15.03 6.31 7.43 6.44 8.30 09/30/11 0.27 2.45 9.24 2.79 17.41 6.85 -11.25 33.34 -8.02
Dynamic Diversified Inflation Focused Fund Total funds $61.78 MM
A Currency 12.4949 -0.0125 -0.10 15.35 4.29 5.14 4.61 5.35 03/31/05 0.68 1.02 5.74 3.92 10.28 3.25 -6.17 8.53 5.92
F Currency 14.7297 -0.0143 -0.10 16.62 5.47 6.38 5.87 6.55 04/04/05 0.77 1.30 6.33 4.10 11.51 4.41 -5.06 9.89 7.22
Dynamic Energy Income Fund Total funds $193.76 MM
A Currency 15.0957 0.0041 0.03 15.32 11.45 12.32 1.86 5.54 08/26/03 0.32 -2.33 3.12 0.18 20.79 -0.40 35.47 23.71 -19.74
F Currency 13.8928 0.0042 0.03 16.69 12.78 13.66 3.07 6.10 05/03/04 0.40 -2.06 3.72 0.36 22.25 0.78 37.10 25.17 -18.95
Dynamic Financial Services Fund Total funds $379.91 MM
A Currency 32.9696 0.1016 0.31 27.98 10.21 11.38 11.20 9.09 10/11/72 1.08 1.81 16.11 3.99 30.15 13.27 -15.27 25.02 4.88
F Currency 18.4131 0.0573 0.31 29.41 11.44 12.63 12.46 9.28 03/04/02 1.16 2.09 16.75 4.18 31.61 14.53 -14.31 26.42 6.11
Dynamic Global Infrastructure Class Total funds $124.28 MM
A Currency 15.7275 -0.0603 -0.38 16.61 5.19 4.17 - 6.46 09/14/15 0.29 0.25 8.13 3.59 13.09 -1.40 -2.96 7.75 -1.36
F Currency 17.1997 -0.0655 -0.38 17.64 6.26 5.25 - 7.59 09/14/15 0.36 0.31 8.49 3.69 14.16 -0.34 -1.89 8.91 -0.27
Dynamic Global Infrastructure Fund Total funds $1.37 B
A Currency 21.9891 -0.0846 -0.38 16.87 5.33 4.29 5.64 6.61 07/19/07 0.30 0.40 8.33 3.65 13.28 -1.34 -2.83 7.85 -1.26
A CurrencyUS 15.3991 -0.0203 -0.13 9.60 0.75 2.72 4.11 4.70 07/19/07 0.76 -2.83 0.91 2.98 4.05 1.12 -9.13 8.69 0.36
F Currency 22.7851 -0.0869 -0.38 18.15 6.48 5.43 6.80 7.78 07/19/07 0.39 0.67 8.91 3.83 14.52 -0.27 -1.76 9.02 -0.19
F CurrencyUS 15.9565 -0.0206 -0.13 10.80 1.85 3.84 5.26 5.84 09/10/07 0.84 -2.58 1.45 3.16 5.20 2.21 -8.13 9.87 1.44
Dynamic Global Real Estate Fund Total funds $240.25 MM
A Currency 35.4698 -0.1926 -0.54 8.00 -0.83 2.58 3.94 6.66 11/04/96 1.87 -3.34 -2.29 3.34 3.82 5.96 -21.40 30.61 -3.39
F Currency 14.5301 -0.0784 -0.54 9.19 0.27 3.72 5.11 5.72 01/15/07 1.96 -3.08 -1.76 3.53 4.96 7.12 -20.53 32.06 -2.29
Dynamic Precious Metals Fund Total funds $707.56 MM
A Currency 21.3131 0.2190 1.04 74.63 11.10 17.16 15.78 7.85 01/20/84 3.67 12.69 23.91 17.80 34.33 5.21 -16.89 -1.84 53.96
F Currency 45.1169 0.4649 1.04 77.16 12.68 18.82 17.43 7.94 01/15/07 3.78 13.09 24.80 18.08 36.30 6.69 -15.74 -0.47 56.16
Dynamic Premium Yield Class Total funds $747.11 MM
A Currency 16.1051 -0.0454 -0.28 5.06 8.82 9.37 - 6.39 03/10/16 -2.15 0.07 3.65 -0.65 9.42 20.34 -1.42 12.67 2.81
F Currency 17.3630 -0.0484 -0.28 6.10 10.00 10.57 - 7.59 03/10/16 -2.07 0.22 4.09 -0.51 10.56 21.70 -0.31 13.94 3.93
Dynamic Premium Yield Fund Total funds $5.13 B
A Currency 11.4881 -0.0325 -0.28 5.35 9.04 9.54 5.87 7.12 10/28/13 -2.16 0.25 3.87 -0.62 9.73 20.59 -1.38 12.89 2.94
F Currency 11.5199 -0.0321 -0.28 6.53 10.26 10.76 7.06 8.32 10/28/13 -2.08 0.52 4.45 -0.44 10.97 21.93 -0.28 14.13 4.01
Dynamic Real Estate & Infrastructure Income Fund Total funds $125.27 MM
A Currency 12.9569 -0.0489 -0.38 14.98 0.56 1.83 5.30 9.11 11/02/09 1.77 -2.74 1.92 2.61 12.27 -1.45 -14.39 21.00 -8.79
F Currency 13.3172 -0.0499 -0.37 16.24 1.68 2.97 6.46 10.31 11/02/09 1.84 -2.47 2.48 2.78 13.52 -0.35 -13.43 22.36 -7.75
Dynamic Strategic Energy Class Total funds $15.31 MM
A Currency 6.8032 0.0126 0.19 19.11 10.84 9.23 -0.89 0.00 07/19/07 0.44 -2.19 6.53 1.36 22.78 3.12 25.75 9.22 -22.77
A CurrencyUS 4.7643 0.0208 0.44 11.70 6.02 7.58 -2.33 -1.88 07/19/07 0.90 -5.34 -0.77 0.70 12.78 5.69 17.60 10.08 -21.54
F Currency 8.5804 0.0162 0.19 20.39 12.04 10.42 0.21 1.09 07/19/07 0.52 -1.93 7.08 1.52 24.11 4.25 27.10 10.42 -21.84
F CurrencyUS 6.0089 0.0264 0.44 12.91 7.17 - - 11.15 01/27/22 0.98 -5.09 -0.26 0.86 14.01 6.84 - - -
Dynamic Strategic Gold Class Total funds $283.56 MM
A Currency 29.4775 0.1855 0.63 67.20 15.54 18.25 13.50 7.30 08/24/09 1.82 11.82 23.79 14.77 36.92 7.15 -5.72 -0.08 40.69
A CurrencyUS 20.6432 0.1815 0.89 56.80 10.52 16.47 11.87 5.30 08/24/09 2.28 8.22 15.31 14.03 25.78 9.82 -11.84 0.70 42.98
F Currency 33.6210 0.2127 0.64 69.05 16.80 19.55 14.77 8.50 08/24/09 1.95 12.12 24.47 15.04 38.37 8.32 -4.72 1.01 42.28
F CurrencyUS 23.5449 0.2077 0.89 58.54 11.72 - - 13.54 01/27/22 2.42 8.51 15.93 14.30 27.10 11.02 - - -
Dynamic Strategic Resource Class Total funds $81.54 MM
A Currency 15.9886 -0.0275 -0.17 7.79 3.22 11.30 6.35 4.97 11/24/11 -1.56 -5.18 0.47 3.40 2.72 -0.36 15.28 19.00 3.30
A CurrencyUS 11.1969 0.0090 0.08 1.08 -1.27 9.63 4.81 2.46 11/24/11 -1.11 -8.24 -6.42 2.74 -5.65 2.12 7.80 19.93 5.00
F Currency 18.1105 -0.0306 -0.17 8.97 4.38 12.59 7.47 6.12 11/24/11 -1.48 -4.93 1.01 3.57 3.87 0.79 16.61 20.46 4.55
F CurrencyUS 12.6829 0.0106 0.08 2.19 -0.16 10.89 5.92 3.57 11/24/11 -1.03 -7.99 -5.91 2.90 -4.59 3.30 9.05 21.40 6.31
Hedge 1
Dynamic Alpha Performance Fund Total funds $24.88 MM
A Currency 9.8769 0.1034 1.06 8.65 4.77 0.40 1.10 4.45 06/07/02 -3.52 0.39 7.60 -0.77 20.87 11.05 -17.37 -2.31 -2.30
F Currency 9.6636 0.1031 1.08 7.87 5.23 1.12 1.93 4.49 12/30/05 -3.45 0.43 6.18 -0.59 19.98 12.25 -16.57 -1.22 -1.13