When it comes to fixed income investing, Alpha doesn’t grow on trees.

Introducing Dynamic Active Bond ETF   DXBB
and Dynamic Active Corporate Bond ETF   DXCB


Dynamic Funds Core Fixed Income Team

Having more than 300 years of collective industry experience, Dynamic’s 14-member Core Fixed Income Team is dedicated to Legitimately Active Management®, building concentrated, high-conviction portfolios in order to deliver differentiated performance beyond the benchmark.

The Core Fixed Income Team goes beyond credit management and asset allocation, utilizing additional drivers to improve risk-adjusted returns, including rates management, derivative strategies, and currency management.

They refer to this disciplined approach as The Power of 5.


The Power of 5: Key Alpha Drivers

Identify opportunities and avoid at-risk sectors or regions

Better manage risk and enhance returns

For risk management and to generate additional income

Graphic showing the "Power of 5": Asset Allocation, Rates Management, Currency Management, Derivatives Strategies and Credit Management.

Drive performance, enhance downside protection

Capture alpha in volatile markets

The High Opportunity Cost of GICs

The High Opportunity Cost of GICs

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Dynamic's Core Fixed Income Team

Dynamic's Core Fixed Income Team

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DXBB Product Overview

DXBB Product Overview

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DXCB Product Overview

DXCB Product Overview

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Contact your advisor for more information on our Dynamic Active ETFs.