Inflation. Market volatility. Longevity risk.
In today’s economic environment, retirees will have to adjust their retirement planning to meet a number of evolving challenges.
But how do you build a viable retirement plan when so many variables, like quality of health and life span, are unknown? What if there isn’t a magic number for retirement?
At Dynamic Funds, we’re changing the retirement conversation. Instead of fixating on that elusive “magic number,” Dynamic’s Paycheque Portfolio™ approach focuses on delivering sustainable retirement income without having to sell any assets – even in market downturns.
With a Paycheque Portfolio™ approach, retirees spend income not capital.
Because retirement income should last a lifetime.

Daryl Diamond
B Ed, CFP, CLU, Ch.F.C. Chief Retirement Income StrategistWant to know more
Re-envision your retirement reality.
Speak with your advisor on how Dynamic can help.