Pre-authorized contributions
Pre-Authorized Contributions
How much could my savings grow?

Complete the fields to see the difference a PAC can make
For illustrative purposes only and not intended to reflect an actual rate of return or the future value of an actual mutual fund or any other investment. The calculation assumes reinvestment of all income and no transaction costs or taxes. The rate of return is hypothetical and compounded annually. Annual PAC increase assumes the PAC amount is increased by the indicated percentage or dollar amount at the beginning of each year. Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.
How long could my savings last? (Assumes savings are fully depleted over 10, 20 & 30 years)
Please enter a value between 0 and 12.
For illustrative purposes only and not intended to reflect an actual rate of return, future value, or future cash flow of an actual mutual fund or any other investment. The calculation assumes reinvestment of all income and no transaction costs or taxes. The monthly cash flow in retirement is adjusted for inflation using an assumed inflation rate of 2.0% and assumes savings are fully depleted over 10, 20, or 30 years starting with the hypothetical investment values from the “Pre-authorized Contributions” section. The rate of return is hypothetical
PAC Video
Use our dynamic video to see just how much more you can save by investing regularly with a pre-authorized contribution plan, or PAC.
Please enter your first name.
Please enter an amount of $500,000 or below.
Please enter an amount between $1 and $50,000.
Please enter an amount between 0% and 10%.

Please fill out the fields.
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